Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ziplock Omelets!

     My mom sent me this recipe for ziplock omelets a few years ago (I'm not sure where it originally came from) and I never got around to trying them until now......I so wish I would have tried it sooner!  Its so easy, fun, and even child friendly! I really hope you all try this one!

baggies (the recipe calls for quart size but when I made them I just used what I had on hand which was sandwich size)
variety of ingredients: ham, onion, green peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, hash browns, salsa, etc.

1. Crack 2 eggs into your baggies (not more than 2 eggs for each bag) and shake to combine.
2. Add the ingredients into your bag (let your kids decide what they want to put in theirs and have them add it into the baggie themselves). Then shake it up to mix well, make sure you get all the air out once you close your baggie.
3. Place the bags into a rolling boiling pot for water for exactly 13 minutes. You can usually cook 6-8 omelets in a large pot.
4. Cut the bats and the omelet will roll out easily.

1 comment:

  1. I have never been able to cook an omelet, the middle was never done or the outside was always burnt. We made these for breakfast this morning, and my daughter was so excited to help! Plus clean up is a breeze! =D
