Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Microwave Coffee Cup Scramble!

     I know this is a super easy one and I'm sure most of you have made this in one way or another but this seems like all I have time to make lately so I'm going to do a post about it!  The sky is the limit with this one and its very easy to make it your own; add bacon bits, cheese, onion, hot sauce, sour cream, salsa, ketchup, sausage, etc. The recipe originally comes from you love eggs they have tons of great  recipes for you!

2 eggs
2 tablespoons of milk or water
salt and pepper to taste
cooking spray
cheese (or whatever other ingredients you would like to add)

1. Spray inside of your coffee cup with cooking spray. Scramble 2 eggs and pour into your cup (you can add your cheese or other ingredients before you cook it or you can put in on top when its done cooking).
2. Place in your microwave and cook for 1-2 minutes. Salt and Pepper to taste. Top with your favorite toppings!

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